1200 lb Creep Feeder

High-Capacity Feeding Solutions

Creep feeding will have your calves ready for market sooner in high quality condition. Creep feeding also assures less strain on your brood stock. Healthy brood stock means better quality calves year after year. All calf creep feeders come standard with a gray enamel finish.

The Lee Products Creep Feeder with 1200 lbs. capacity keeps larger cattle out and allows calves to eat. The simplified lid design opens easily and the molded-in side deflectors provide protection from rainwater. A molded trough brace promotes cattle safety in the eating area. This cattle feeder features long drop rods that allow for quick and easy assembly.

Made from 16 Gauge steel
Feed bin is 6′ wide x 3′ deep x 5′ tall
4′ deep x 6′ wide bolt on cage
Approx. 1200 + capacity
Ideal for up to 15 calves
Adjustable feed gauge

With a more than 1,200 pound capacity, this creep feeder is ideal for 15 calves or more. It has an adjustable feed flow control, a bolt on cage as well as an adjustable entry bar that moves from 36 to 42 inches. It's made with 16 gauge steel and is built to last!

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